A Contradictory Narrative On Natural And Caesarean Delivery

A Contradictory Narrative On Natural And Caesarean Delivery

A child's birth is a crucial life event. New motherhood is often a joyful experience for women, at least some of the time. But the majority of pregnant women also go through periods of anxiety, regret, rivalry, irritation, and even rage and dread. It may be exciting, but it has the potential to wear you down.

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After putting everything on the line, women in their third trimester are put forth a question regarding the birthing options. Some wants to avoid the minimal possible hazards of an epidural, and simply choose to see what their bodies are capable of; some intend to use limited or no pain medication throughout labor and delivery.

Knowing everything there is to know about each strategy will be a smart first step before choosing one. Our comprehensive blog will provide you with detailed info on both Natural Birth and C- section delivery.

Let’s begin with Natural Birth:

Natural birth is the process of giving birth through the vagina without the use of any medications. This process is possible for those under the age of 35 who have no history of drinking or smoking and no additional health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid, and so on.

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Birthing “naturally” or vaginally has several advantages for both the mommy and baby. Here are a few that are obvious:

  • With vaginal birth, the risk of scarring, severe bleeding, drug responses, and long-term discomfort is low.
  • A natural delivery reduces the hospital stay (thereby reducing hospital bills) as recuperation time is faster. However, a new mother must avoid intense exercise for six weeks to allow the body to heal.
  • Generally, with natural birth, a mother is healthier and more active and the infant benefits from early breastfeeding (within the first hour after delivery).
  • Natural birth in the first delivery leads to fewer problems with subsequent pregnancies. And with a natural birth with the first baby, subsequent pregnancies are much easier, and the labor is much shorter.
  • A natural birth helps avoid the complications of major surgery, such as anesthetic reactions, infection, hemorrhaging, and blood clots.
  • Natural birth is also good for the baby as it is for the mother’s health. Generally, babies get their first large dose of immune-boosting microbes when passing through the birth canal, keeping them healthy and disease free in those initial days. Babies also receive more immunity boosting nutrients with direct breastfeeding right after delivery.
  • Natural birth lowers your child's risk of childhood asthma and obesity. Research suggests that C-section birth increases the risk of childhood asthma by 21% and childhood obesity by 59% when compared to vaginal delivery.
  • Natural birth avoids transient tachypnea of the infant (TTN), which is more common in infants delivered through C-section. During labor, hormonal changes begin to empty the fluid in the baby's lungs, and most of the residual are squeezed out when the baby passes through your delivery canal.
  • And last but not the least, natural birth is much more affordable than a c-section. Even though the cost depends on the hospital amenities and the city, choosing natural birth will save you more money not only during the delivery but also in post-partum care.

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While there are several, and mostly advantages of natural deliveries, there are also some drawbacks and concerns for natural delivery. Here are a few..

  • Natural deliveries may be tremendously painful. And whilst there are now several modern pain management options available to new moms, sometimes it becomes too late to administer these if the labor progresses fast, and the contractions become more powerful, longer, and painful in active labor. When active labor begins, moms go to the hospital, and it generally lasts 4 to 8 hours. It begins when your contractions are regular and your cervix is 6 cm dilated.
  • People with high-risk pregnancies are not allowed to have natural birth. Some factors that lead to a pregnancy being termed ‘high-risk” are obesity, diabetes, epilepsy, thyroid problems, heart or blood diseases, poorly controlled asthma, and infections to name a few. All these can all raise the chance of pregnancy risks via vaginal birth.
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  • Sometimes for women of small frames, pushing may be more difficult, raising the risk of perineal tears. When the fetus passes through the birth canal, the skin and surrounding tissues around the vagina run the danger of straining and rupturing. Stitches may be needed for severe tears and stretching. This is why a proper pelvic floor exercises are very important during the pregnancy
  • Potential prolongation of the delivery process. One of the fallouts of natural birth is due to the baby's location, labor may occasionally take longer. Sometimes due to its size, the infant may not be easily able to pass through the delivery canal. It also happens that when the infant cannot fit through the birth canal because it is too narrow; contractions are quite weak and the labor may progress slowly tiring a mother out.
  • The pelvic muscles that control bowel and urine function might become weak or injured as a result of the straining and tearing that occurs when pushing the baby through the vagina, which could result in a temporary loss of control over those processes. The lower body starts to feel numb, making movement difficult.
  • A catheter is normally not required during a vaginal birth unless you are unable to pee on your own. If you're experiencing trouble peeing, you can ask for a temporary catheter, which is only used to empty your bladder occasionally and isn't left in place. After inserting it to empty, the tube can be taken out.
  • The infant may suffer an injury during the vaginal delivery process, resulting in a bruised scalp or a fractured collarbone. This generally happens if the mother had a lengthy labor, the baby is big, or the baby is not head-first in the birth canal or the birth canal is too narrow.

Cesarean delivery:

A Cesarean section, often known as a C-section delivery, is a medical procedure in which a mother gives birth to her child through an incision (cut) made in her abdominal and uterine walls (womb). If complications make vaginal delivery unsafe for your baby, doctors decide to proceed with a caesarean section.

Before a caesarean section may be done, your written authorization is necessary. If you are unable to grant written approval, your spouse or next of kin may.

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A number of motives can be listed for having a C-Section. These include
  • Stalled labour, also known as labour dystocia, is one of the most common reasons for a caesarean section.
  • When foetal heart rate fluctuates, a C-section may be the safest option.
  • Infants who are lying in an unusual position are most securely delivered by caesarean section (transverse or breach position).
  • Women who are expecting twins, triplets, or more may need to have a caesarean section.
  • If the placenta covers the cervix, a caesarean section is recommended (placenta previa).
  • If the umbilical cord becomes entangled in the cervix, a caesarean section may be recommended.
  • Women who have particular medical issues, such as heart or brain disease, may be advised to have a caesarean section.
  • A massive fibroid blocking the delivery canal, a pelvic fracture, or a child with a condition that causes the head to be abnormally large (severe hydrocephalus) are all reasons for a C-section (severe hydrocephalus).
  • Even if vaginal delivery is an option after a C-section, a healthcare provider may advise another C-section.


Nowadays, C-sections offer no severe dangers to the mother or child.  However, every surgery involves some level of risk. Here are a few instances of potential issues during a cesarean section:

  • Postpartum hemorrhage is loss of more than 500 ml or 1,000 ml of blood following childbirth and occurs more commonly following caesarean sections. As more blood is drained, the patient may experience chilly symptoms, a reduction in blood pressure, and possible unconsciousness (that could, though rarely, require a blood transfusion).
  • C-section mothers are at risk for developing an infection while their bodies are recuperating. Antibiotics are usually given to help prevent this infection.
  • During a C-section, surgical damage to the bowel or bladder can happen. The greatest outcome is produced when the damage is identified intraoperatively and repaired right away.
  • The danger of a pregnant woman vomiting while fully asleep and having the vomit enter her lungs increases when she receives a general anesthesia (although extremely uncommon, this can be fatal). After receiving an epidural or spinal anesthesia, some women report experiencing a sudden drop in blood pressure, a headache, back discomfort, and vomiting.
  • Blood clots can result from any type of operation. A C-section increases the chances of clotting even more because pregnancy increases pressure on the pelvic blood vessels and causes changes in hormones and proteins that impact the blood's ability to clot.
  • There is a small possibility that a newborn might be injured by the scalpel during a C-section. For unclear reasons, C-section babies are more likely to become obese and to develop type 2 diabetes as children and as adults and C-section babies may be more prone to experience respiratory issues at birth and even as children, such as asthma.
  • Rarely, but yet occasionally, complications following a cesarean delivery may lead to a woman's death from an uncontrolled infection, a blood clot in the lung, or excessive blood loss, etc. When compared to vaginal births, the maternal mortality rate after cesarean deliveries is three to four times higher.
  • Because labor does not immediately begin the process of draining fluid from the lungs, C-section deliveries might cause temporary breathing difficulties in babies (transient tachypnea of the newborn). This usually improves during the first several days of life.
  • Future pregnancies and deliveries may or may not be affected by prior C-sections. Many women who have had cesareans can give Natural Birth in India without complications. However, if the uterus was incised vertically rather than horizontally, future pregnancies may necessitate C-sections. The possibility of placental complications in subsequent pregnancies is also raised for women who have had a C-section.

The advantages of emergency C-sections usually exceed the disadvantages. A cesarean section might save your life.

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Recovery period:

  • You may have pain and discomfort following a C-section, but that's to be expected with any type of surgery. As a result, the postpartum period is lengthier than it is after a vaginal delivery. C-section patients often spend three to four days in the hospital.
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  • Itching, nausea, and discomfort are all common early reactions to anesthesia and surgery. The aftereffects of general anesthesia for an emergency C-section can leave patients feeling sleepy, bewildered, cold, afraid, concerned, and melancholy. Your doctor may prescribe pain relievers or other drugs to help you feel better.
  • In the early phases, you may experience extreme fatigue, suffer pain at the surgery site, struggle to move around and feel gassy.
  • To avoid aggravating your incision, you should refrain from driving and moving heavy objects.
  • Consult your doctor when you are ready to resume your normal routine (typically after about 6 to 8 weeks, when the uterus has healed).
  • Although breastfeeding might be uncomfortable initially, laying on your side to the nurse or employing the clutch (or football) grip can alleviate some of the strain on your abdominal muscles. You can increase your milk production and prevent constipation by drinking plenty of water.
  • Scars from C-sections eventually disappear. In the weeks and months following birth, they will shrink and return to their natural skin tone. Additionally, many C-section scars are unnoticeable since incisions are performed in the "bikini" area.


To conclude

After giving birth, the woman's identity also changes, physically and psychologically. So, it's her right and responsibility to be knowledgeable about the birthing options that she can choose given her circumstances. The more info you have, the better prepared you'll be. While giving birth is a magnificent and lovely experience, it helps to be as prepared as possible.

Every labor is distinct, and occasionally things don't go as planned. It's crucial to be ready for everything that set you to have reasonable expectations and instill confidence.

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Whichever path you choose, the end result will be the same: you will be a proud mother cuddling a healthy baby in your arms.

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